Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Capparella Story

Hello Norristown, PA. I'm delighted that the Norristown Times Hearld decided to do a story about my latest Epic Thriller Novel...STOLEN BLOOD. So take the time to go on-line @ Amazon.com-author-F. Anthony Capparella and order the gripping novel. It has a great deal of Norristown names, places and events, so you will feel a part of the amazing novel.

I plan to do a sequel: Blood is a Metaphor, and hope to have it completed by 2011.

My email: tonyeagle@worldnet.att.net, so feel free to write me and challenge me about any chapter, or how I got started in the literary world at such a late age. I'll me most happy to engage your sentiments, and answer any questions from my heart that might be of interest to you.

F. Anthony Capparella